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Do What You Want

We are living in very strange times. A lot of things are different and the reality is that a lot of things will not be the same after. We are living through History. Pictures of us, our family or our streets will be used in History textbooks in the future.

I think things have really been put into perspective for me. I've always stayed in the background and never really promoted myself for fear of what others would think. I had started to blog a few years ago but didn't continue with it because I didn't believe anybody would be interested in what I had to say. For the past couple of years my face very very rarely made it onto my instagram grid because I believed people wouldn't want to see pictures of me and probably have a bit of bitch to their friends at my expense. So I let it filter out. Despite the fact I enjoyed writing blogs, that I enjoyed talking about products on instagram and I was partial to the odd selfie, I stopped it all, because I feared other people's opinion too much and felt like a bit of a fraud to be honest!

So has any of the above changed? Absolutely not! I'm still sure that not many people are interested in what I write and I am certain that there are still people out there who make fun when I post a picture of myself or talk about something on my stories. However, there has been one big change that has occurred that trumps all of this and that is my perspective.

We are living through a global pandemic. Our lives are drastically different. My job as a teacher changed over night as did many other people's. We are all just trying to get through each day as best we can. A lot of us are starting to rediscover our interests. For some people thats a musical instrument, cooking, writing a book, photography or a blog! We have let life and opinions get in the way for too long. Now is the time to go back to what ever it was that brought you joy but you had to put on hold. If it helps even a little bit throughout all this, then that is big enough to cancel out all the reasons you are telling yourself that you shouldn't. For me, I'm going to continue writing blogs and posting pictures of myself on instagram because I want to and that's really all that matters. Do what you want.

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