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  • Writer's pictureAlannah Morrow

A Change of Direction

Four weeks into the lockdown and I think it is fair to say we are all having our good days and bad days! As we all try to settle into our new 'normal' a lot of us have been finding ways to keep ourselves busy and entertained. For me, my main hobby is photography, in particular, landscape photography. Obviously that side has been put on hold for the foreseeable. I remember being really annoyed when the realisation of this hit me. I could no longer continue the one thing that brought me a lot of joy. Then I suddenly began to realise what it wasn't specifically 'landscape' photography that brought me joy, it was photography in general. Sure the subject matter helps, but it was getting my camera out, figuring out my composition, figuring out my iso, shutter speed, aperature and light, all of these steps that led to that one image that makes the whole set up worth it, that is what I enjoyed, the ritual. So if it was the process I loved, then I realised I could do that anywhere.

Over the past week, my photography has taken a new direction. The landscapes have been swapped for homeware, gardens and even though I am mortified to say it, self portraits. This has been my saving grace. On days where things are getting a little bit too much, I know I can pick up my camera and shoot random things around the house and make them look totally different. My skills are being developed and my mind is being put at ease. I get myself lost in these tasks and create my own little world. For that hour or couple of hours, my mind is away from any frustration, anger or sadness that I may have been feeling.

To be honest, I am learning something new about myself. I would never described myself as creative, ever. However, I am starting to learn that maybe there is more of a creative flare in me than I thought, that I am actually ok at something, that maybe even have a little bit of a talent. I never really knew this about myself. So, whilst initially being annoyed about landscape photography being taken away from me, it is actually a blessing in disguise, it has forced me to think differently, to do something I wouldn't normally do and to discover new things about myself that I otherwise wouldn't have.

My blog and social media accounts will look a little different as I showcase some of these new images in my new normal day to day life. If you have any hobbies that you feel have had to stop because of lockdown, have a re-think about them. Is there any aspect of it you can incorporate in your lockdown situation. Even if it is something tiny, you would be surprised at how big of a positive affect it will have on you!

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